Minggu, 04 April 2010

Tugas softskill part 04

1. kalimat present tense :
I drink coffee
She drinks coffe
We drink coffee

2. Kalimat Present Continuous tense :
- I am writing now
- You are reading my article at present
- She is waiting for you.

3. kalimat present perfect tense :
1. I have finished my work.
2. They have returned their book.
3. Sinta has worked in the company for three years.
4. Jack has waited for the bus for one hour.
5. Tom has been absent for one week.
6. Mary has been very patient to the man.

4. kalimat present perfect continuous tense :
-She has been learning english
-I have been teaching english since
-They have been touring since

5. kalimat past tense :
-I saw her standing there
-My Father bought this car
-They went to Tokyo
-She went home

6. kalimat past continous tense :
-They were learning in the classroom when I came
- I was writing
- Joko was sleeping

7. kalimat past perfect tense :
-I had studied hard but I didn’t make good result in the exam.
-You had told me twice before I understood.

8. kalimat past perfect continous tense :
-They had been playing football.
-She had been singing
-Joh and Merry had been loving each other

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